Progress Report

Progress Report

I took a picture of these bookshelves today, because I needed a cover photo for my facebook page.
I took a picture of these bookshelves today because I needed a cover photo for my Facebook page.

Today was my first day back to work after the Polar Vortex turned my regular weekend into a four-day weekend. Thanks, Polar Vortex!

I’m glad that I used the time well. I now have 41 pages of manuscript, and I only need 40 by March 10th.  I feel like the first 19 pages are revised to the point that I can’t revise them anymore.  The rest could probably stand some more revision. I feel good, though, because I have plenty of time to do that.

I would love to just keep banging out the first draft of the novel, but I have other things that I need to accomplish. I still have to read 10 books and write annotated bibliographies. Additionally, I need to complete a critical paper. It only has to be 2-4 pages long, and I’ve already done some reading for it.  It’s just not as fun as the other writing, so I am putting it off. But now that I have met the manuscript requirement, I need to pound out the critical paper. Maybe I’ll do it this weekend.

I wasn’t able to get any writing done today, unless you count the Math test I wrote. Such is the way of things, I guess. I worked, picked up my kids after school, took them grocery shopping, put the groceries away, started dinner, took out the trash, helped Fiona get started on her homework, ate dinner, wrote the Math test…and all of a sudden it was bedtime. It’s looking like the weekends might be my prime writing times.

I’m not stressing about it yet. Like I said, the Polar Vortex was good to me. And family members have offered to provide child care when I need to get away to write. I’m pretty lucky.

I also feel supported by my friends that are in the program with me. We are the best cohort. I’ve enjoyed staying engaged via our Facebook group, and they all have great pointers for me. They are fabulous writers and fun people.

Progress is good. I’m still feeling encouraged.

I’m also glad to report that I felt engaged at work today. I seem to be able to compartmentalize my real job, my family life, and my writing life decently. I felt that I was present at work. I was thinking about work things, and engaged in the tasks of teaching. When I got home, I was fully present with my family and my household chores. After the kids went to bed, I could start thinking about writing again. Surely there will be some ebb and flow between these facets, but I do want to make sure that each of these important aspects of my life receive the attention they deserve.

And other things will just have to wait.


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Published by Josh Hammond

Josh Hammond writes things. He has an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults from Hamline University.

2 Replies on “Progress Report

  1. I wish i had my 40 pages done. I’m at 31, but i expect to hit 40 in the next few days (i’m aiming for 5 pages a day)

    The good thing about the critical essay is that it will hopefully go fast once we sit down to actually write it. Hopefully, anyway.

    And i totally feel disengaged from my work, which makes me daydream about getting a massive book deal so i can quit, which is dangerous territory, so i’m trying to knock it off. But it’s hard.

  2. I know, how awesome would that be? I like getting up in the morning and writing, and not having to worry about doing other things. That would be a great life.

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