Sunday Was Not a Day of Rest

I woke up today with the hopes of finishing a writing project that I started with a friend. It’s not for school, but I’m a little ahead of the game in that regard, so I thought it would be good to knock it out. Bromleigh was otherwise occupied presenting her thoughts on parenting to a…

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Semester Three

I am halfway done with my MFA program. This realization makes me sad. I predicted that the program would go by quickly, and unfortunately that seems to be the case. I enjoy it so much that I don’t want it to end. I’m entering my third semester, which means that I have to produce a…

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The Curse of Getting Better

When I was in fourth grade I was convinced I would be an author. I wrote stories. That’s what authors did. I had no thoughts to the difficulty or pragmatism of such a pursuit. In fact, as a fourth grader, I collected stories from my friends, and was fairly certain the anthology would be published.…

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A Breath

The last time I wrote on this blog, I was preparing to head to summer residency in St. Paul. It’s been a whirlwind since then, so much so that I don’t even think that I’ve had time to properly reflect on my experience. Fat cat teachers like me have summers off. Of course, my “summer…

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Hopped Up On Blog

This is the first time that I’ve participated in a blog hop. Basically, it’s a virtual game of hot potato – a blogger answers some questions and then passes it on to the next blogger. I find myself in this position thanks to fellow Hamline writer Anna Palmquist. I met Anna at residency in January.…

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