Bromleigh and I are having a baby girl this spring (the final installment of the trilogy,) and people keep asking us what we plan on naming her. And by people, I mean, my mother-in-law. It’s not something I usually want to talk about, but I don’t blame her for her curiosity (and her willingness to…
Author: Josh Hammond
Technology, Testing, and How to Make Things More Complicated Than They Have to Be
Thanks to Bill Gates and company, schools are increasingly being forced to adopt technology. The latest push is 1:1 devices for every student. Our district has gone to Chromebooks, which is nice for Google. They definitely need more money. I teach middle school, so at the outset I thought, “Yes, it will be handy if…
Semester Three
I am halfway done with my MFA program. This realization makes me sad. I predicted that the program would go by quickly, and unfortunately that seems to be the case. I enjoy it so much that I don’t want it to end. I’m entering my third semester, which means that I have to produce a…
The Curse of Getting Better
When I was in fourth grade I was convinced I would be an author. I wrote stories. That’s what authors did. I had no thoughts to the difficulty or pragmatism of such a pursuit. In fact, as a fourth grader, I collected stories from my friends, and was fairly certain the anthology would be published.…
Lion Lion Book Signing
The girls and I made a short trip to Downer’s Grove tonight to see Miriam Busch and Larry Day present their book, Lion, Lion. Miriam was assigned as my buddy during my first semester at Hamline, so it was really cool to catch up with her again (though I did see her over the summer…